Renee Jones

Renee Jones is currently serving with our global(x) partner Sowing a Vision in Mérida, Mexico, working alongside churches, Christian institutions, and communities in need.

In 2022, she graduated from the University of Georgia with bachelor’s degrees in both international affairs and Spanish. During her college years, Renee was actively involved in the UGA Wesley Foundation, which offers intentional space for students to encounter God, engage in life-giving community, and grow as disciples of Christ. She also served on the executive team of SOUL (Serving Others Unconditional Love), and volunteered with City of Refuge, where she delivered food and supplies to low-income families, shared her faith, and lead a bible study group in the Hispanic community.

Serving in Mérida

As Renee engaged with these families, she was so moved to see how her knowledge of the Spanish language could help her connect with and positively impact people and communities in need. Her heart kept leading her to use Spanish to serve others.

When this opportunity to work with Sowing a Vision presented itself, Renee knew her skills and passion for serving could be used to glorify God. While in Mérida, she’s working as an English teacher at Blas Pascal Christian School. During the summer months, she helps host mission teams, including our global(x) journey teams, as they serve alongside the Sowing a Vision staff.

Renee is excited to be able to use her talents, share her faith with the children in Mérida, and work alongside a supportive community to further the gospel. If you’re interested in learning more about how you can support Renee and her efforts, please visit her website.

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